



Special offer: one question answered FREE! 

If you have never had an intuitive reading, here's your chance to have some fun at no cost. Even if you have, give me a try. I certainly wouldn't expect someone who doesn't know me and my work to order a full reading without an idea of what to expect. 

Email me with your concern as well as your name, age and gender and I'll consult my guides for information from the Higher Realms. If you would like me to consult the cards as well, please specify your deck preference, or I will choose the one that I feel is appropriate.

Quick Choice menu

Intuitive Readings 

Individual readings cover whatever concerns you may have. I use cards, channeling, and whatever other methods necessary to achieve the desired result. Each reading is unique and tailored to your needs at that particular moment. We can address your health, relationships, employment and specific spiritual questions.  Available by email or by instant messaging. 

Intuitive reading    $50

Card Readings

Using your choice of decks, or my choice if you prefer, I ask for guidance and lay cards in an appropriate spread for the issue upon which you wish to have information. The more clear and specific your question, the more clear and specific information I will get. Sample

Basic Spread $35

Looks at main factors surrounding issue and gives basic guidance and information such as current physical, mental or emotional, and spiritual state, recent and upcoming lessons, or other pertinent factors. More


Advanced Spread  $50

Provides in-depth analysis regarding your question or issue. May look at what you have going for you and what obstacles you may be facing, assistance from the Ancestors or Guides, past and future lessons, as well as several other issues. More

Special Spreads   $75

The most complete of all card readings, these spreads address complex issues or situations, such as the focus of the upcoming year. Also available is a combination of the Sacred Path and Medicine Card decks. More


Numerological Profiles

Using the methods of Matthew Godwin, discover the meaning of the numbers of your name and date of birth in a comprehensive profile that examines your full name at birth along with your date of birth to analyze personality traits, potential talents, and inner desires. Includes Life Path, Expression, Soul Urge, Birthday, Growth Number, Challenge, Maturity Number as well as Karmic Lessons and Karmic Debts. 

Complete printable profile with followup    $50

Relationship chart...compare your chart with that of your significant other....requires full names at birth and dates of birth for both partners     $100
With previous profile purchase of one of couple      $75

Important: Please include full name at birth (whatever is on your birth certificate) along with name currently used. Also include gender, month, day and year of birth. Place and time of birth would also be helpful, but is not necessary for this chart.


Astrological Profiles

Examine the influences of the stars and planets on your life and personality. With time of birth includes planets in the signs, ascendant, or rising sign, as well as houses and aspects in a fifteen-page report on average. Without birthtime limited to planets in the signs, but the report is still about nine pages long. 

Natal chart with birth time   $100

Please include name, gender, month, day, and year of birth as well as time and place of birth. Full name at birth would also be helpful. 

Natal chart without birth time $60

Please include name, gender, month day and year of birth. Full name at birth would also be helpful. 



SpiritLight Healing"s Energy-Transfer Healing Session             

This exciting new process gives you the choice of interactive one-on-one energy transfer in the privacy of instant messaging, or an email format that can be reviewed at your convenience. A limited number of phone appointments are available as well. Just think of a guided meditation tailored to your needs and enriched by the assistance of High-Level Guides drawn by your energy to help you in reaching your highest good.  Sessions last from 30 minutes to an hour and can be combined with a regular reading session. For more details click here. 

Email Email session  $50 

Instant Messaging (Includes Transcript) $60

Satisfied clients say:

Lisa is a very talented and gifted intuitive who truly cares about people.. She is very heart centered in her work. She has a gift for communicating what we are unable to understand on our own. The reading she gave me was very accurate...She brings healing into her intuitive sessions...more

Lisa perfectly balances her tenderness for humanity with her skill as an intuitive channeler. On several occasions she has clearly foretold events that I would recognize not just physically, but mentally and emotionally... more

Lisa Janine Cloud is an incredible psychic and healer. I found her able to balance the tough quandary of good psychics - seeing potential futures and timelines, reading energy accurately and with clarity and not falling into vague 'playing it safe' generalities, and providing healing insights... more

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