Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning "wheel", appropriate because
of the rotation of energy characteristic of a chakra. Technically the term
refers to one of seven centers located in the etheric body, although it is
also associated with points in the hands, feet and above the physical head,
depending on the origin of the system. These centers allow energy (prana, chi) from the etheric,
spiritual and mental planes to flow through to the physical, each vibrating
at a distinct frequency and emitting a color. Much as the visible light
spectrum reveals the frequency of light waves, the chakras show the color of
energy with red being the slowest vibration and violet being the highest in
the traditional chakra system.
Keith Sherwood, in his book "The Art of Spiritual Healing"
describes a chakra as a funnel, with the larger end on the surface of the
etheric body. As the energy whirls into the small end of the funnel,
sometimes blockages occur. Energy from the higher planes becomes blocked,
unable to reach the physical plane resulting in something much like what
happens when blood circulation cannot reach an organ or extremity. Depending
on the severity of the blockage, the lower bodies develop emotional and even
physical "dis-ease".
A spiritual healer observes these imbalances, hopefully before they
become manifest on the lower planes, and helps to unblock the flow of energy
and restore balance to the "patient". Keeping the chakras
balanced and fully open helps heal and prevent "dis-ease" on any
plane and often prevents physical manifestation in the form of mental and
physical illness. Many healers have specific programs targeting the chakras
as a form of preventative medicine in addition to facilitating spiritual
Here is a brief, basic discussion of the individual chakras.
- The chakras are numbered, beginning with the lowest vibration as
the first, or root, chakra. Located at the base of the spine, the first
chakra is associated with the color red energy is tied to the
element of earth, grounding us and connecting us to the physical plane.
Glandular system: gonads. Statement: I exist.
- The second chakra, or the sacral chakra, sits in the area of
the reproductive organs and vibrates to the color orange. The
sacral chakra controls emotions and sexuality. Glandular system: adrenal.
Statement: I feel.
- The solar plexus chakra, or third chakra, is tied to the color
yellow and is located just below the diaphragm. This chakra deals with intellect
and ego. Glandular system: pancreas. Statement: I think
- The heart chakra, linked to the color green, sits
at number four. Controls love and relationships, especially
"agape" or divine love and is located, of course, in the chest.
Glandular system: lymphatic. Statement: I love.
- The throat chakra at number five radiates blue and holds sway
over expression, helping to transmit the voice of the creative soul to the
physical world. Glandular system: thyroid. Statement: I speak.
- The sixth or brow chakra sits between and slightly above the
eyes. Radiating indigo, it controls internal vision, intuition and
self-realizations. Glandular system: pituitary. Statement: I see.
- Directly atop the head lies the seventh, or crown, chakra.
Corresponding to the highest vibrations, the crown chakra vibrates to the color purple,
and controls integration of the conscious and sub-consious minds. Glandular
system: pineal. Statement: I know.