Windows to the Sky

Windows to the Sky
Energy work
Animal Wisdom
Angels of the Months

Another modality of which I recently became aware is called Windows to the Sky. Used to assist the recipient into higher and deeper states of consciousness, the system balances or stimulates what amounts to spiritual acupressure points on the body known as “Windows to the Sky points”. I spoke with Linda Guidry, LCMT, and one of the few practioners of  this ancient system here in the States, to find out more.

LJC: Where did Windows to the Sky originate?

LG: Over 5000 years ago the Chinese spiritual elite used these points to access their higher selves. Mostly this work was done in private in temples, and most of what is known about them is written in Chinese text, and to my knowledge and the teacher who taught them to me, hasn’t been translated into English. What is known about them here in the West has been handed down from teacher to student.

LJC: What is a session like?

LG:  I work with the Windows points in a series of sessions. The session begins with stimulation of the Windows points and some other points on the body, beginning at the feet and working up to the head. This usually takes about 20-25 minutes. I may add crystals to the specific points or to the chakras as I am working. I may also use essential oils on specific points if I feel guided to do so. Once the points have been stimulated, then we do the dialogue and visualization part of the work.  

LJC: Is this a one-time treatment, or does it take more than one appointment?

LG:  I do a series of sessions, beginning with a Higher Self session, then an Inner Child session and a Past Life session, in that order.  I also facilitate Angel sessions, Spirit Guide sessions and Departed Loved Ones sessions. The H igher Self session is great for someone who is beginning to learn to meditate and opening spiritually and looking for an experience, a connection, to anchor into their lives and grow. This introduction forms the basis for the other sessions, and proves especially useful for those who do not have experience in accessing the higher self.

The Inner Child session is very healing, as the inner child is called forth and clearing and healing work from childhood is started. N ext, the Past Life sessions allow  one’s higher self to choose a past life that needs to be brought to consciousness so healing work and clearing can be done. The Past Life sessions are continuous, meaning that the client will do one past life session, and then come back and do another past life session, and then come back and do another and so on. Some may even access a future life, one that hasn’t unfolded yet in linear time.  

The Angel sessions are focused on meeting the angels, meaning the angels assigned specifically to work with that individual, and any others that may be important at the time. The Spirit Guide session is just as it sounds, an introduction to one’s spirit guides for those who have not met them, or a working session with the guides if they have.

With the Departed Loved Ones session, I work with people who really want to connect with a loved one who has crossed from this existence to the Other Side. We use the Windows to the Sky points to gain access to higher states of consciousness where the connection can take place. I have worked mostly with mothers who have lost children, but also some others as well. I take notes during all sessions and give them to the client, who must write them down and return them to me.

LJC: How effective is this method?

LG: This work is really deep and powerful. The higher self of the client basically is guiding the entire session, and I use my higher self to attune to their higher self, to guide and protect the client as they access these higher   realms. Its like I open a doorway for them and I guard that doorway while they are doing the work with the higher self. I feel I have been given a tremendous gift in learning how to work with these points. This work is my passion. Other healers who do reiki and other forms of healing say they have never gotten so deep as when they had done their windows sessions. I completely agree, as sometimes I will stimulate some Windows points on myself before meditation, and I always can get much deeper in a shorter amount of time than without Windows.

LJC: How long are the sessions?

LG: The first 2 sessions, the Higher Self and Inner Child sessions, usually take about an hour each. The past life work usually takes up more time. After the dialogue and visualization portion of the session, we do cellular clearing and healing work to complete the program, and I am looking forward to beginning to integrate DNA clearing into the process as well.  

  LJC: And the order is important?

LG:Yes, each initial session lays the foundation for the next. The recipient needs to access his or her higher self in order to work through the Inner Child and Past Life sessions. The Angel and Spirit Guide sessions can be done anytime after the Higher Self session, as can the Departed Loved Ones session, though I usually recommend that the client wait until completing at least one of the other sessions first so that they are better acquainted with the process before contacting the Other Side.



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