
Windows to the Sky
Energy work
Animal Wisdom
Angels of the Months

Technically, channeling involves accessing an entity and relating information from that entity whether for personal use, to help another individual or to share with a group. Of all the areas of metaphysics, channeling is among the most maligned, as it is difficult to scientifically prove. I personally was skeptical for many years. Although there have been famous cases such as Edgar Cayce, "the sleeping prophet" who channeled volumes of useful information, and of course the famous case involving "Seth", many people do not believe that beings from other realms contact us, or that we are able to access higher levels of our own consciousness to better ourselves and our fellow man. 

Over the past several years, however, I have become acquainted with  individuals who channel. Some do so by choice, some receive information whether they choose to do so or not. Some are in a heightened state of awareness and are cognizant of their surroundings, some go into deep trances and have no idea what happens around them or even what they say during these sessions.  

Who can channel?

While everyone is capable of channeling in one form or other, some people learn more quickly than others, usually those who are able to release any  preconceived ideas as to what they might experience.  Every metaphysical bookstore or New Age bookseller has at least a title or two dealing with the subject, and some who have become proficient at channeling teach classes or seminars for those who would like to develop their abilities.  I have found much useful information in the books of Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer, who channel the entities Orin and DaBen, respectively. Their website explains much better than I can the details of their experiences. 

When did you realize you could channel? 

While meditating, I asked to be introduced to my guide or guides, and after several attempts I felt a presence, an energy that was much different than my own.  I have been blessed with the ability to see colors as well as to hear voices, and I immediately saw a golden presence, though the features were unclear. I asked for a name and the presence said that he was Elias, and that he had come to deliver messages that I was to pass on to others. After communicating with him for several minutes, I felt an overwhelming sense of joy and energy. When I began to deliver  the messages to those for whom they were intended, I began speaking without knowing exactly what I was saying or why, only that it was important that I do so. The recipients understood the messages and the journey had begun. 

I now realize that Elias is the New Testament name of the Old Testament prophet Elijah, and while I do believe that is the entity with whom I am speaking, he made clear it is not the messenger that is important but the message. He also told me that the guides take on whatever form or persona that will be effective with the person attempting to reach them. 

The other two guides that come through most frequently are Dane', a lightbeing with no particular physical form but speaks in what seems like poetry, and Rowan, who takes on the persona of a Celtic woman who is knowledgeable in health and healing. 

Since then I have contacted other guides, and they each have a different energy and purpose.  They all, however, emphasize that names are not important, just the message and growth that may come of it.  

So what makes you think you are able to channel for such a broad audience, many of whom you have never met? 

As I have progressed on my spiritual  journey, I have begun receiving messages without realizing they were about to come, simply during a conversation or while occupied with everyday activities.  When I consulted with both my guides and trusted friends (on this plane) I was assured that the time had come for me to begin to open up to the Universal energies for those who seek direction and focus. My purpose is not to provide answers, but to help point to areas in which individuals may find their own truths. We each hold our own answers within us, though sometimes it takes an outside contact to point the way when we have held things too closely to us. 

Do you need cards or other tools to channel?

Sometimes the cards will help in accessing the proper vibrations, or to reinforce the messages, but most times my guides speak directly to me. They may not always give the answers a person seeks, in fact they may sometimes warn against a certain path of action. I would never relate information I was not confident about, and if I am not able to get information about a particular subject, I say so. 

How do I schedule a session?

First, email me with your question or issue, and I will let you know if I am able to help. If  I am, I will reply with instructions on how to order an email reading or schedule a phone or Instant Messaging reading.  


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