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One of the goals I have for this site is to explore as many avenues of holistic health care as possible. With so many avenues available to us now, if a problem or situation does not respond to one type of therapy, there are many others that may provide a solution or resolution. The best way to learn about these treatments, in my opinion, is to ask someone who has studied the method and practiced it for some time, and who has a satisfied clientele. I spoke with Sandra Bemis, Cht, LCMT, to find out more about the fascinating modality, hypnosis. Sandy also facilitates past life regression, so I asked her a few questions about that as well.

LJC: There are so many misconceptions about hypnotherapy. What exactly is it and what do you do specifically?

SB: Hypnosis is a perfectly natural reflex, with which we are all born. It is a completely natural state. You have been hypnotized thousands of times in your life. If you are daydreaming as you drive your car, you may perform many functions while not noticing. You may arrive at a place, without remembering places you have passed, because you were deep in thought.  If somebody were to speak to you at that time, you would come back from your thoughts and respond. If you are reading a book, playing a video game or watching television and somebody has to speak to you twice to get your attention, you are hypnotized at that moment. 

The subconscious mind is stronger than the conscious mind.  The subconscious mind is responsible for our behavior and habits. The conscious mind has a limited amount of choice, but the subconscious mind has the final say.  We sometimes ask ourselves, why we did an action when we know it is bad for us. We follow our subconscious desire without even realizing it.  

In hypnosis your conscious mind becomes quiet and steps aside. The therapist then introduces suggestions, visualization and guided imagery into the powerful subconscious mind.  Hypnosis is the technique that enables you to achieve this relaxed state of consciousness — the daydream or alpha/light theta state — deliberately, while suggesting specific goals in order to achieve them. Like daydreaming, hypnosis is a perfectly normal, safe, and healthy phenomenon, all the while you are aware.

LJC: Some people fear that hypnotism will make them do things they don't want to do. Can it?

SB: The hypnotist can only guide the way for you. If the hypnotist tries to give you an instruction you would not be willing to follow, you will not follow it. If the hypnotist tried to change beliefs, which are related to your chosen values, you would not change them. 

LJC: What about those people who say they can't be hypnotized?

SB: Many people believe they were not hypnotized, because they conceived that there would be a strange feeling associated with hypnosis, but there is no strange feeling at all. Some people expect that it would be like a drug experience, such being drugged with a pill or gas anesthetic.  Most people feel as if they were "just sitting there." You can hear what is going on around you, which may include doors closing, traffic, and other background noises.  A small number of people may feel odd, such as feeling light or heavy. Another small fraction of the public may think they fell asleep, so did not hear the suggestions. My answer to that is that they heard me when I said it is time to open their eyes, so they must have heard the suggestions.  

LJC: How long is a session, on average?

SB: Other therapists may have different time frames, depending on their methods, but with me, for weight loss, stress and most issues, sessions generally last 1-1/2 hours. Smoking cessation lasts about 1 1/2 - 2 hours.  For reinforcements, sessions are usually about 1 hour.

LJC: Is this best used as a recurring therapy, or a one-time deal?

SB: Smoking, fears, phobias, and nail biting are usually a one-time session as a hypnotherapist can suggest that a person is a non-smoker, not fearful, etc. But as in weight loss or other problems as in stress, anxiety etc., more than one session is needed as the causes are from different issues and it is only recommended to work on one issue at a time.  The hypnotherapist could not just say, "You are a non-eater!!!"  So more sessions are needed to work on different issues.  But the goal of any hypnotherapist is to teach the client to use self-hypnosis effectively thus eliminating the need for a hypnotherapist.

LJC:  What about past-life regression? How is that different from any other session, and what benefits can be had from it?

SB: Regression is the process of seeking deep past memories, whether this lifetime or past ones.  All memories are stored in your subconscious mind.  These memories are of anything that you've ever done or experienced - whether in this life or previous ones.  Past Life Regression is the process of finding the memories of previous lives you've lived. It is a process of self-discovery, and it primarily is a communication with your subconscious mind.

A deep state of relaxation is needed, and from there you can explore all sorts of amazing places and times.  It is all done professionally in a safe, comfortable environment and expert guidance and facilitation for your past life regression.

LJC: What does a regression feel like?

SB: Many people report that viewing a past life is a bit like watching a movie at times, but it comes through more like a memory. Whenever you do a past life regression, you always have a purpose.  For example, you may want to find reasons for certain fears or thoughts.  You may want to know if certain loved ones or soul mates in past lives are in your life today. Maybe you want to know if your current friend or foe has played a role in a past life and why they are in this life.  Or, perhaps you would like to know why you are drawn to a certain career or such and want to see what skills and accomplishments you've had in past lives. Whatever your mission, past life regression can reveal life-changing things to you.

If you would like to know more about past life regressions, I highly recommend the works of Dr. Brian Weiss.  He is a highly respected psychiatrist who has used this method for years.

LJC: Do you have to have been hypnotized before to do a past-life session?

SB: I will not do a past life regression on someone who is not familiar with hypnosis.  If the client wants to do it in one session, what I usually do is put someone under hypnosis so that they could be comfortable and familiar with the technique and feelings.  Then I bring them back and have them discuss what they thought of hypnosis in general.  After they are comfortable with hypnosis and the feelings of it, I then will explore past life regressions with them.  This can happen over one or more sessions, whatever is most comfortable with the client.

Clients that are open to it, I will also have them meet their spirit guide and allow them to ask their guide a question.  This allows the client to know one of their guides and know that they can ask and be guided at all times in times of their life when they need it.

I have brought people over to the “other side” and had them see their Akashic Records and just what it is like in the “after life.”  All of my clients so far have described almost the same exact experience while going through their past lives’ death and traveling to the other side.  It is quite amazing.

LJC: Have you had skeptics who found past-life memories they couldn't explain?

SB: For the most part, most people are dealing with their own subconscious and will usually learn from the session.  Most times past lives are very mundane and usual.  It is then up to them to believe or not believe.  I have had some people who have lived in Egypt quite a few thousand years ago which is very hard to believe for some people, but the details, feelings, smells and thoughts are so vivid that the client had no choice but to believe as it was something that she was never taught or knew about. Whatever the outcome, place or time period, the lessons are always positive and it usually will be about something that corresponds in their present life.

LJC: What would you have people know about the field of hypnosis? 

SB: Other than what has already been said, hypnosis is a powerful tool that has been recognized and approved as a treatment method by the American Medical Association since 1958.  It is completely safe and effective for many, many issues and problems.  I have been certified in Pediatric Hypnosis also and have worked with children with fears, phobias, learning and social problems.  It is a wonderful tool for children (and adults) with dental fears and the fear of oral presentation in front of crowds also.

LJC: Is there a difference in benefits between a live session and a recording?

SB: The benefit of a live session is that the hypnotherapist can watch the client thus making sure that they are in a deep enough trance for therapeutic benefits.  CDs are more generic in nature, but they, too, are wonderful tools for many issues.  I would recommend that if a person were to use a CD without the knowledge of meditation and/or hypnosis, that they use it and not expect immediate benefits until they are comfortable with the procedure.  This could take one, two or a few sessions of listening, but usually after a couple of sessions listening to the CD would be fine.  It would always produce a wonderful relaxing state, even if the person were not experienced.

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