Personal Year Numbers

The Pythagorean method of calculation is used here, as it is the most widely used system. The basic numbers that are used here are almost universally accepted in numerology circles. These are the numbers 1 through 9 and the Master Numbers 11 and 22.

The Personal Year is helpful in evaluating the trend of the coming calendar year. For a clue as to what lies ahead in the coming year, calculate your personal year using this formula:

Reduce the year in question to a single digit. The year 2004 would be 2+0+0+4=6

Now, reduce your day of birth and month of birth each to a single digit, and then add these two numbers plus the number representing the year in question. The sum of these three, reduced to a single digit, is your personal year number.

For instance if your birthday is May 25 the calculation would be 5 (May) + 2 + 5 + 5 (Current Year #) = 17 = 1+7 = 8 Your personal year number is 8

If your month and day total comes to 11 or 22, the master numbers, in this instance, you have a choice of working with the reduced numbers of 2 and 4 or the vibrations of the 11 and 22.

Calculate your personal year and see the likely trend of events for the year :

Year 1 Keyword: New Beginnings This is the start of some change. It could mean a change in your job, home or personal life. This is the year to plant seeds and focus your attention on the future. Be independent and original. Develop your plan, take control, and push forward with it. This is also a year to cast out any unwanted thoughts. Don't be lazy as the coming year will set the tone for the next nine years and this is the year you require ambition, activity and the push to meet your successes.

Year 2 Keyword: Patience This year you will require patience and understanding towards the seeds you planted in Year 1. This is a year of partnerships, drawing up agreements or legal contracts. A year of giving and helping others. Co-operation is needed in your relationships. Do not force anything this year and keep an open mind. Things take time and time is needed for fruitful developments. This is a year to gather information, research, and study.

Year 3 Keyword: Self-Expression Your plan is beginning to come to life. This is the year to show your expression through words. This is a year for social activities, meeting people and traveling. Keep this year light and enjoy. Finish up projects that you started and they will bloom. A year of optimism, and joy. This year you will work with inspiration, imagination, and creativity in your projects, giving you financial gain.

Year 4: Keyword: Practical The opportunities of this year come through focus, work, and practicality. Learn from your mistakes and be rational about them. Good management is needed in all you do. See what needs to be cleaned up, attend to details, and keep everything in order as much as you can. This is also the year to pay attention to your personal health. This can be a successful year for buying, selling or trading. Read all the fine print.

Year 5: Keyword: Change You may encounter new people and places. Go on a vacation, as you have earned it. Try new angles this year and be open-minded. Learn something new, and let go of the old to make way for new growth and opportunities. Be different this year. Watch for hasty decision making you may be sorry for later. Keep your goal in mind and plan on advancing it now. Keep active but not impatient or restless.

Year 6: Keyword: Responsibility You will be more in demand and have more responsibilities. Finish everything you start. This year is more of a personal year to enjoy home and family. This is the year of service to others. Look outside of yourself without thought of personal gain and you will reap the rewards when you least expect it. This is also a year for love, new relationships, and marriages. A good year to buy or build a home.

Year 7: Keyword: Inner Wisdom A year to rest, take care of health and improvement of mind. A year to analyze what you have done over the past 6 years. You will find more quiet time for reflection and inner growth. A good year to meditate, study, write or educate. You will seek out other like-minded people to discuss educational or philosophical/spiritual experiences with. Others may misunderstand your actions in this year. Be reasonable and things will work out.

Year 8: Keyword: Achievement A year of power. In business, things are starting to show gain. In general everything seems to be falling into place. The world is at your feet! Ambition and good judgment are still needed. If you have managed efficiently, organized and worked towards your goal, you will see advancement this year. This is the year of action. A time to push forward your ideas and dreams. Guard your health this year and remember to let go of the material things that have outlived their purpose.

Year 9: Keyword: Completion A time to weed out the garden you planted in Year 1. A year to finish and a time to look for the future and plant more seeds. Tie up all the loose ends to make way for a new cycle. If you followed through with your goals you will see the fruits of your labour. All the good you have accomplished can be carried over into the next year. Review the people, places, and things in your life. Be willing to let go with tolerance and understanding. This is also a year to be doing things for others.

Year 11: Keyword: Inspiration A year of enlightenment and realization. Any new ideas you have will be for the benefit of humankind. A year to use your intuitive abilities to help others. This is not a year for material gain. Allow the vibration of the number 11 to help those who come to you for guidance.

Year 22: Keyword: Universality You may find yourself in a leadership role this year. This year is for the person who is a Master Builder. You may find yourself in the position of co-coordinating large scale events, in public or private life. Be honest and practical and use your inspirations for the good of Mankind. Keep your views universal, not personal or you will revert to the Year 4 vibrations and its workload.

The most important adjustments come in a 1, 5, or 9 Personal Year. Love, marriage, or divorce comes in a 2, 5, or 6 Personal Year. Emotions are high in a 7 and 9 year. Hard times may be felt more so in a 4, 8, or 9 Personal Year. Losses could be experienced in a 7, 8 or 9 year. The Personal Year 3 is very creative and pleasant year.
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