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I hesitate to use the term “psychic” or “psychic reading” because of the misconceptions about psychic abilities and the negative connotations the term often carries. Psychic abilities cover such a broad range of talents, yet many people see or hear someone described as a “psychic” or “psychic reader” and immediately think that person is a con artist using tricks and telling people what they want to hear just to take their money. Especially with the explosion of television programming centered around psychic phenomenon, it can be difficult to get past the “I see dead people” mindset

Everyone has psychic or intuitive abilities. Some people are born with well-developed talents, others develop them during times of trauma or loss, and still others go through a slow process of uncovering and learning to trust abilities they have. I fall in that last category, having had several experiences as a child and teenager and having worked over the last thirty years or so to hone those skills.

I consider myself to be a vibrational empath. I see, hear, and/or feel a person’s vibrational energy field, which gives me insight into their physical, emotional, and spiritual state of being, as well as the types of experiences they have drawn to themselves and usually the ones they are creating. Even over the internet, emotional and spiritual energy vibrates in the visible spectrum, if you know how to tune in to it. By helping people gain perspective on themselves and the flow of their experiences, I can help them clear blockages, regain lost momentum, and create changes they desire in their lives. In other words, I focus the Light of the Spirit to help others heal and grow, which helps me to heal and grow.

While I  occasionally am contacted by or receive messages from those family members or friends of the person for whom I’m reading that have died, or “crossed over”, I don’t consider myself to be a true medium. By no means does every reading include a message from someone on the Other Side, but I do open to receive all messages, so it’s always possible.

Sometimes I see flashes of future events, but I wouldn’t claim to be precognitive. I’ve had a few dreams that came true, but I’m no Cassandra. Especially considering the mutable nature of future events.

Many times I use tools such as oracle or tarot cards to help me focus on the issues at hand. I hold the image of the person or their name in mind, ask the specific questions the person wants answered, then draw cards that reveal the situation to me. I get best results using the person’s full name at birth and their date of birth, but I can use a current name and  I have gotten results with just a screenname.

Instant messaging or chat readings seem to establish a connection through cyberspace to the sitter or “readee”. Images and impressions flow against the screen of my mind like a movie. As in all readings, the images are sometimes literal, sometimes symbolic, and sometimes both. For example, I once was shown the image of a suitcase which represented a literal suitcase in the room with the person, yet it also represented an upcoming trip.  I don’t always know the significance of what I see, so I have learned to present the information to the person and see what it means to them, especially online. I once did a reading where I thought I was being shown the symbolic image of a unique antiquity, only to discover that the person for whom the message was meant had an actual copy of that antiquity in the room with them, which was being referenced as a way of pointing the person toward another item also in the room..

The main benefits I intend to come out of a reading are: guidance on all planes (physical, emotional/mental, spiritual), validation, perspective, and peace of mind whether the information I am guided to relay comes from my guides and angels, the guides and angels of the seeker, or even from relatives or friends that have crossed through the gateway of physical death to the Realm of the Spirit.

Not all questions can or should be answered. However, all who seek should find validation of themselves as a Seeker.





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